Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging | Parent/Carer Forum

Dear Parent/Carer,

At Shrewsbury Academy we are committed to ensuring that we celebrate and nurture our community’s diversity, ensuring everyone is treated equally. We aim for all members of our community to feel a strong sense of inclusion and belonging.

We have begun a robust programme to embed a culture of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) at Shrewsbury Academy. This is a four-year Marches Academy Trust Strategy where we will look at every aspect of school life.

Below is a list of the Protected Characteristics that will be at the forefront of our EDIB work. Having a protected characteristic means you have a right not to be treated less favourably, or subjected to an unfair disadvantage, by reason of that characteristic, for example, because of your age, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

As a school we were proud to achieve the Rainbow Flag Award last year, and we want to build on this excellent work by raising awareness of the Characteristics and supporting all students and staff.

Protected Characteristics in relation to the workforce includes all nine characteristics/traits below:

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Gender reassignment
  4. Marriage and Civil Partnerships
  5. Pregnancy / Maternity
  6. Race
  7. Religion and Belief
  8. Sex
  9. Sexual Orientation

We would like to set up a Parent/Carer forum to support us on this journey. We are going to meet on Monday 12th September at 4:00pm in the school hall. Refreshments will be provided.

Please come along and be part of our diversity community group and make your voice heard!

We are excited at the prospect of working together with you through our termly EDIB meetings.

If you would like to attend the meeting, please email me directly to confirm your place.  Lucy.Frederick@shr.mmat.co.uk

I look forward to seeing you then.

L Frederick

Miss Frederick

Event Details

Location: School Hall
Start Date: 12th September 2022
End Date: 12th September 2022
Start Time: 16:00