
Our 2023/24 Annual Report

LGB Annual Report

A summary of the role of the Local Governing Body is outlined below, however, full Terms of Reference can be found in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation.

Every school within Shrewsbury Academy Trust has a Local Governing Body.  The Local Governing Body is composed of the following Governors:

All current and prospective Governors should have read the Marches Academy Trust Governors Handbook, the Governor Code of Conduct and Scheme of Delegation. 

Governors’ Handbook

Governor Code of Conduct

Scheme of Delegation and Governance Structures

Parent Governors – two per Local Governing Body

Parent Governor elections are carried out when the term for the current Parent Governor(s) expires / if a Parent Governor resigns / when a school joins the Academy Trust.

More information on the role of Parent Governor can be found in the Governance Handbook.

When the number of nominations for Parent Governors exceeds the number of vacancies, a ballot will take place.

Parent Governor Ballot Process

Staff Governors – one per Local Governing Body

Staff Governor elections are carried out when the term for the current Staff Governor expires / if a Staff Governor resigns / when a school joins the Academy Trust.

Staff Governors are just the same as any other Governor, although it is important to note that they are representative of staff, not staff representatives.

If you would be interested in joining the Local Governing Body, or have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact Bee Lopez Bloor, Clerk to the Trust’s Boards, in the first instance – [email protected]

Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests 2024/25

The Shrewsbury Academy School | Chair of Local Governing Board

Please mark correspondence:

Ryan Jervis – Chair of the Local Governing Board

Corndon Crescent,

Email: [email protected]

If you would like to read the Local Governing Body’s meeting minutes please contact Bee Lopez Bloor, Clerk to the Trust’s Boards in the first instance: [email protected]

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